“What is WIN?” – Get your theses!

Are you a little overwhelmed and don’t know where to write your thesis or do your seminar? Do you even know all of our WIN chairs? The FSI Winf/IIS has got you covered. Join us Thursday, April 23 at 7 pm to get to know all the chairs of “Institut Wirtschaftsinformatik”.

How? With the first edition of our new event <a href=”What is WIN?”>.

The event will consist of two blocks of chair presentations with a short break in between. It’s the opportunity to get to know all the chairs and their research topics all in one go. As well as to learn all about how to get into your desired seminar or learn how to apply for a thesis.

So whether you are studying Winf, IIS or are just generally curious – please join us online in the zoom lifestream.



Where/when? -> 23.04.2020 at 7pm on zoom.

What? -> Get your theses and seminar topics.

