International Information Systems M.Sc.

This page offers general information about the Master of Science in International Information Systems.  In the future, we may add links to course descriptions in the menu to the right, similar to the Bachelor section. For now, please visit the official homepage for more details.


The study programme

The four semester Master offers a customized introduction depending on the students’ background. Students are required to take one of those two introductory tracks in the first semester. Additionally, one semester abroad is mandatory for students of IIS. Further information about going abroad can be found here.

Please note that the lectures in several informatics courses are read in German.  Additionally, informatics courses are taught in Erlangen most of the time, so you might have to travel back and forth between Nuremberg and Erlangen on many occasions. There is a rule which restricts courses in Erlangen to overlap with courses in Nuremberg and which also tries to minimize the “travelling” between Erlangen and Nuremberg.

1st semester

Students with a business/management background are required to take the “Informatics” track introduction. This option includes Introduction to Computer Science, Konzeptionelle Modellierung, and Praktische Softwaretechnik OR Software Development in Large Projects.

Students with a background in computer science and students with a background in business information systems must take the “Management” track introduction. This option includes Foundation of International Management I + II, plus two out of the three courses Case Solving Seminar, Case Writing Seminar, and E-Business Strategy and Networking.

If you have to fulfill language requirements as stated by university enrolment rules, you have got 1 year after the start of the curriculum to prove your language profession. Please bear in mind, that taking a language course in the first or second semester is eventually crucial to achieve this goal (otherwise you will be exmatriculated for not having fulfilled all conditions for enrollment during the given timespan of 1 year).

During the first semester, you will also start planning your semester abroad. The best source for IIS students is the International Office at WiSo. Usually, in November International Office offers the “International Day” to make it easier for students to get information about (partner) universities and other freemover programs. Keep in mind to inform yourself about going abroad just after you arrived in Germany. You normally care about going abroad 1 year ahead to not miss any deadlines.

2nd semester

In the second and third semester you should reach a total of 60 ECTS. Plan ahead with the module handbook, which courses you may take at which point of time. Also bear in mind, which courses you could eventually substitute abroad. Your planning should be quite advanced at this time to tell if you at least have a possibility to take a course abroad.

3rd semester

The 3rd semester is normally where students go abroad. It is therefore important to chose a university which enables you to take similar courses to the ones you are supposed to take at the FAU. Plan ahead and try to finish additional courses in the first and second semester, because it can be quite challenging to do 30 ECTS abroad. Although, many people will tell you, you should go abroad in 3rd semester – it is NOT a must. You are free to go abroad whenever you want. Keep this in mind when planning ahead.

4th semester

The 4th semester is where you will exclusively work on your Master’s thesis, which is worth 30 ECTS. It is also possible to do the thesis abroad instead of going abroad in the third semester. Have a closer look at the module handbook for legal restrictions and things to consider.


For further information, go to Module overview