Frequently asked questions
The basic and orientation examination is not a single examination, but is made up of several examinations that students take during the first two semesters(in the third semesterat the latest). The GOP is intended to provide students with reliable feedback on their suitability for the chosen degree program at an early stage.
The GOP examinations may only be repeated once in the event of failure. This means that if you fail a GOP on the second attempt, you have already definitively failed at this point and are unfortunately no longer allowed to continue studying the subject in question, not even at other universities.
Lecture: material is presented by the professor.
Exercise: material is covered with exercises, usually by members of the department.
Tutorial: very similar to the exercise, but usually held by students from higher semesters.
Exercises and tutorials are good for understanding the material better, as they take place in smaller groups and it is easier to ask questions.
There is no “registration” for a module per se. You can usually just go to lectures at any time. What many people mean by registration is joining the StudOn course. There you will find materials for the module. You can find the appropriate link for a module via Campo or directly in the search in StudOn itself.
You usually have to register for tutorials. You will receive information about this in the first lecture. In most cases, you can also register for tutorials via StudOn by entering your preferences for dates and the system will try to assign the best possible dates to everyone.
This is not dramatic. There are some modules in which it is not relevant which exercise you go to. ATTENTION: The 1st semester module Entrepreneurs and Companies has compulsory attendance in the exercise you get! You can only swap with a swap partner from another exercise. Talk to your respective exercise leader.
Otherwise, in many cases it can be enough to write a nice email to the person responsible.
Attendance is only compulsory in rare cases, but it can definitely be worthwhile to attend as much as possible. Exercises and tutorials in particular are often helpful, as students usually go through the material with you and may be able to explain it better than the professor. In many modules, the exam tasks are also very similar to the exercises. So it is better to attend too much than too little.
Attendance is compulsory in very few modules, in the first semester it is compulsory in the first week for the WIN project week and for the exercises in entrepreneurs and companies.
Almost all professors upload their materials to the respective StudOn course.
Learning materials from other students (e.g. summaries, old exams,…) can be found on Studydrive or, in the case of computer science subjects, on the FSI Computer Science page.
Modules from economics and business informatics usually take place in Nuremberg at the WiSo. These also make up the largest part of the course, especially in the first semesters.
The computer science modules usually take place in Erlangen at the Faculty of Engineering.
This means that you may have a lecture in Erlangen and then have to travel to Nuremberg. You can find a recommended route by public transport at the bottom of the page.
ECTS stands for European Credit Transfer System and represents a unit that describes the total workload for a course; the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs estimates 30 working hours per ECTS point. On average, 30 ECTS credits are earned in a semester. On the other hand, ECTS are used to assign a measure to the lecture, which should say something about the value of the module. An important, elementary, labor-intensive basic module therefore has more ECTS than a seminar, for example.
SWS stands for Semesterwochenstunden and indicates the time you spend at the university for this subject. There are lecture hours (V), exercise hours (Ü), practical hours (P) and seminars (S). This does not include the time required for independent preparation and follow-up of the course and for working on the exercise sheets. 1 SWS corresponds to 45 minutes.
No, there are no limits in the first semesters. Later there are seminars and compulsory elective modules, where there may be a maximum number of participants.
WISO and TechFak each have a cafeteria and a canteen. The WISO canteen is on the Insel Schütt, while the TechFak canteen is in the main building (Südmensa).
You can always look at the menu in advance.
Registration takes place via Campo in the course catalog. The registration period is (presumably) November 18 (0.01 a.m.) to December 8, 2024 (11.59 p.m.). You have to select your module, just like when creating the timetable, except that this time you will see the exam with a registration button under the lectures and exercises of the module.
You can usually deregister from all exams up to 3 working days before the exam. You can also deregister via Campo.
This is often not worth it at all. Especially if they cost money.
If you are still interested in a book, you can check the catalog of the university library to see if the book is available for loan
First of all, don’t panic, it happens to every student 🙂
If it is a GOP exam, you have to pass it in 2 attempts within the first 3 semesters. You can therefore only fail this exam once. The second time must be successful.
You have 4 attempts for all other exams.
If you fail an exam, you must register for the make-up exam yourself. Pay particular attention to this for GOP exams, as these must be written successfully in the 3rd semester at the latest. You have more freedom with the other exams. You don’t have to make up the exams directly in the next semester, you could also wait 1 year and then make them up when lectures on the module take place again.
If you fall ill BEFORE the exam but the deregistration period is already over, you should go to your family doctor and get a medical certificate which you must then submit to the examination office.
If you fall ill DURING an exam (i.e. when you are already sitting in the examination hall), you must have your certificate written out by a designated university doctor.
You can find more detailed information here.
Take a look at the module handbook and save it so that you always have an overview of which modules you are currently taking and which are still to come.
Attend the first lecture of your modules. The most important information is presented there by the professors.
Register for your StudOn courses. Learning materials and further information will be provided for you there.
Start working on tasks early enough so that you still have time to clarify questions if you get stuck.
Modules can only be credited for other modules, but the respective modules must be similar.
The module coordinator decides whether this is possible. You cannot “replace” modules with others at will
That depends entirely on your degree program.
If you are studying Winf, you can only take English, as this is stated in the curriculum.
If you are studying IIS, you even have to include a language, either one for 5 ECTS or 2 for 2.5 ECTS each. In addition, you could also include a language in the Studium Generale.
You can find instructions here.
In general, everyone at the university is very helpful. If something is unclear for a particular module, you can ask a question in the relevant StudOn forum. Is something still unclear? Then contact us by e-mail at!