Guest Lecture about computer vision by Andreas Maier
Dear students,
Prof. Patrick Zschech organizes a guest lecture for the course Development of Deep Vision Systems and FAU students who are interested in Computer Vision. The guest lecture is held by Prof. Andreas Maier, one of FAU's figureheads in computer science. We recommend this interesting lecture. He will talk about current research in the field of computer vision.
Date: 20.12
Time: 8:15 am
Place: online -
What is WIN? Part 2 WS21/22
Chairs of "Institut Wirtschaftsinformatik" present seminar topixs and final theses
When? 02.12.2021 17:00 - 19:00
Where? Only online :(
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 688 8358 2356
Passcode: 095017
Guest Lecture: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
Dear students,
the FSI WInf/IIS organizes a very interesting guest lecture for IIS students this afternoon, 18.11., at 5 pm - online. The guest lecture is held by John Loutzenhiser a Lead Data Scientist at msg and he will talk about Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning.
His description of the talk: How information and knowledge can be automatically extracted from texts using Natural Language Processing. Explanations and examples of how AI-based systems learn the meaning or similarity of words in texts using so-called ‘word vectors’ and how state-of-the-art methods of ‘transfer learning’ with deep neural networks also allow complex understanding of sentences and contexts.
Come join us on zoom! This is the link:
See you later!
What is WIN? WiSe 21/22
On the 28th of October - 5.00 pm "What is WIN?" will take place.
"What is WIN?" is the event where all professors and chairs of the Institute of Information Systems introduce themselves and present their research to us, so we know where to write our theses.
17:00 - Welcome (Prof. Matzner)
17:10 - DISS (Prof. Matzner)
17:20 - Gamification (Prof. Morschhäuser)
17:30 - WI2 (Prof. Matzner)
17:40 - DISS Research Talk
17:55 - JWI (Prof. Haag)
18:05 - WI1 (Prof. Tiefenbeck)
18:15 - IIS (Prof. Zschech)
Feel free to join us at WISO LG 3.152/3
Join us on ZOOM! (
Erstsemester Bachelor WInf - Bartour
Am 13.10.2021 planen wir eine Bartour, bei der ihr die Möglichkeit habt eure Mitstudierenden und uns in lockerer Atmosphäre kennenzulernen.
Wir haben auch bereits eine Whatsapp-Gruppe zur Vernetzung erstellt. Den Link und weitere wichtige Informationen bezüglich eurer Erstsemestereinführung findet ihr hier:
Wir freuen uns auf die zahlreiche Teilnahme und schaut euch unbedingt die Informationen unter den obigen Link an. Da findet ihr auch einen Link zur Anmeldung an der Bartour!