(Deutsch) Pizza Night SoSe 2024

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(Deutsch) Grillfest SoSe 2024

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.


Attention all students! Are you interested in finding out more about what the WIN program has to offer?

Come join us for our two part event hosted by FSI WInf/IIS.

On January 19th and January 26th at 6:30 pm, come meet the WIN chairs and learn about the courses and thesis opportunities available.

The event will be held at Lange Gasse 20, H5. And don't forget to stick around afterwards for the WIN-ler Party in room LG0222/3. See you there!


Hey students! Looking to meet your fellow classmates and have some fun?

Come join us for FSI WINF/IIS Pizza Night on January 16th at 6:30pm in Room 0.144 at Lange Gasse 20.

Exchange course information, drink some beer, and most importantly, enjoy some FREE PIZZA.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to relax and get to know your classmates. See you there!

Liberating structures workshop .msg X FSI Winf/IIS

Was? Innovation durch echte Zusammenarbeit - Es werden 2 Methoden, welche die Zusammenarbeit im Team einfacher und wirksamer gestalten, vorgestellt und durch die Teilnehmenden hands-on praktisch angewandt. 👨‍🔧👩‍💼👨‍💻👩‍🎓 Wann? Donnerstag, 08.12.22, 16:00-17:30 Uhr 🕰 Wo? Zoom (Link wird allen Teilnehmenden einen Tag vorher zugesendet) 💻 Sprache? Der Workshop findet auf Englisch statt 🇺🇸 Kosten? Kostenlos Anmeldung hier: https://forms.gle/cbK9KM3JmXqsGJaF7

Liberating structures workshop What: Innovation through real collaboration - 2 methods that make teamwork easier and more effective will be presented and applied hands-on by participants. 👨‍🔧👩‍💼👨‍💻👩‍🎓 When. Thursday, 08.12.22, 16:00-17:30 🕰 Where. Zoom (link will be sent to all participants one day in advance) 💻 Language. The workshop will be held in English 🇺🇸 Cost? Free of charge Registration here: https://forms.gle/cbK9KM3JmXqsGJaF7

Guest Lecture msg "Viel mehr als Projektmanagement"


Join us via Zoom: https://fau.zoom.us/j/68653632359#success


FSI WInf/IIS goes Back2School

Zusammen mit Schüler*innen  des Johannes-Scharrer Gymnasiums haben wir uns über die Vorteile eines Studiums der Wirtschaftsinformatik und das Student*innen-Leben an der FAU  ausgetauscht und Wege ins Auslandssemester vorgestellt. Abschließend durften die Schüler*innen eine Challenge in Scratch lösen, dessen Systematik wir zuvor kurz anhand eines Beispiels erklärt hatten. 

Geplant und durchgeführt wurde der Workshop vom Arbeitskreis Back2School.  Ziel des AK: Schüler*innen Einblicke in Projektarbeit und Studium im Kontext der Wirtschaftsinformatik zu gewähren und Begeisterung für das Programmieren zu inspirieren.


FSI WInf/IIS goes Back2School

What makes student life at FAU so attractive? What career pathways can be accessed by studying WInf/IIS ? We’ve discussed these and other questions together with students from Johannes-Scharrer Gymnasium. To give the workshop a more interactive twist, students were shortly introduced to Scratch and challenged to build their first program - from scratch.

This workshop was one of the first in a series carried out by the work group Back2School. The goal for these events are simple: allowing students to get a taste of what it might feel like to study in an information systems program (at FAU) – as well as inspiring students to learn coding.

Company Speed Dating

Students get the opportunity to meet representatives of different companies in short interviews and for example to apply for a working student position.

Upcoming summer term semester

Annual General Meeting

Dear Members of FSI WINF/IIS,

join our Annual General Meeting next Monday on the 31.01.2022 at 6:30 pm.

Help us elect our next representative board of the FSI.

Join us here on Zoom!


Guest Lecture about computer vision by Andreas Maier

Dear students,

Prof. Patrick Zschech organizes a guest lecture for the course Development of Deep Vision Systems and FAU students who are interested in Computer Vision. The guest lecture is held by Prof. Andreas Maier, one of FAU's figureheads in computer science. We recommend this interesting lecture. He will talk about current research in the field of computer vision.


Date: 20.12

Time: 8:15 am

Place: online - https://fau.zoom.us/j/67621949135?pwd=cTE1VVZtcHpwTjhQZXhyMG1lY0Rodz09